Cookie 的使用

本頁面會說明為何要在本站使用 Cookie。如果你繼續使用本站,就代表您同意我們使用 Cookie。

什麼是 Cookie

Cookie 是由伺服器發送並存在瀏覽器(如 Internet Explorer 或 Firefox)中的一個小檔案。這能讓本站記住有關你的一些資訊,比如說你的偏好設定、歷程紀錄、或讓你保持在登入狀態。

Cookie 會存在瀏覽器內一小段時間(比如只在瀏覽器啟動時),或是保存好幾年。如果本站無法設定 Cookie ,你可能無法存取本站。

本站的 Cookie 用途

本站使用 Cookie 來達成下列事項:

  • 註冊與保存你的偏好設定:讓我們確保你可以保持登入狀態,並記住你的語言選項或網站外觀選項。
  • 分析:讓我們能確定瀏覽本站的族群,並作為提昇服務的參考。
  • 廣告與第三方 Cookie:如果本站顯示廣告,可能會有廣告商設定的 Cookie,用來測定誰有看到廣告或類似的情形。這些 Cookie 可能是由第三方合作廠商所設,而本站沒有能力存取這些 Cookie。
  • 其他第三方 Cookie 如 Facebook 或 Twitter 分享:這些 Cookie 由第三方合作廠商獨立管理,所以本站依舊沒有能力存取。

移除/停用 Cookies

在你的瀏覽器中的 選項/偏好設定 中管理你的 Cookie 和 Cookie 設定。以下是各家瀏覽器管理 Cookie 的教學:

Standard cookies we set

名稱 Purpose
Essential cookies
These cookies are required to enable core functionality such as security, network management, and accessibility. You may not reject these.
xf___crossTab This local storage item is used to store information used to communicate across tabs, such as the current cross-site request forgery token.
xf_cacheKey This local storage item is used to store the cache key used for offline storage items.
xf_consent This cookie is used to store a user's cookie consent preferences.
xf_csrf This cookie is used to store a user's cross-site request forgery token, preventing other applications from making malicious requests on the user's behalf.
xf_dbWriteForced This cookie is used to indicate that the request should be completed using the database write server.
xf_editorDisabled This local storage item is used to store whether or not a user has the rich text editor enabled.
fr-copied-html This local storage item is used to store a user's copied rich text when pasting into the text editor.
fr-copied-text This local storage item is used to store a user's copied plain text when pasting into the text editor.
xf_guestUsername This local storage item is used to store a guest user's username.
xf_inline_mod_* These cookies are used to store a user's currently selected inline moderation items.
xf_language_id This cookie is used to store a user's selected language.
xf_lbSidebarDisabled This local storage item is used to store whether or not a user has toggled the lightbox sidebar.
xf_ls This cookie is used to store a user's local storage contents in the event their browser does not support the native local storage mechanism.
xf_multiQuote* These local storage items are used to store a user's multi-quote selections.
xf_notice_dismiss This cookie is used to store a user's dismissed notices.
xf_push_history_user_ids This local storage item is used to store which users on this device have enabled push notifications.
xf_push_notice_dismiss This cookie is used to determine whether or not a user has dismissed the push notification notice.
xf_push_subscription_updated This cookie is used to determine if a user's push subscription preferences have been updated.
xf_session This cookie is used to store a user's session identifier.
xf_style_id This cookie is used to store a user's selected style.
xf_tfa_trust This cookie is used to determine if a user has previously chosen to trust this device without requiring further two-step verification for a period of time.
xf_toggle This cookie and local storage item are used to store a user's preferences for toggling various controls open or closed.
xf_user This cookie is used to store a user's "remember me" token, allowing their credentials to persist across multiple sessions.
xf_visitorCounts This local storage item is used to store counts of a user's unread conversations and alerts.
Optional cookies
We deliver enhanced functionality for your browsing experience by setting these cookies. If you reject them, enhanced functionality will be unavailable.
xf_emoji_usage This cookie is used to store which emojis a user has recently used when composing a message.
xf_from_search This cookie is used to track when a user has arrived on the site from a search engine.
Third-party cookies
Cookies set by third parties may be required to power functionality in conjunction with various service providers for security, analytics, performance or advertising purposes.
Apple Music These cookies are set by Apple Music, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
Facebook These cookies are set by Facebook, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
Flickr These cookies are set by Flickr, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
Giphy These cookies are set by Giphy, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
HCaptcha These cookies are set by HCaptcha, and may be used for verifying legitimate traffic.
Imgur These cookies are set by Imgur, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
Instagram These cookies are set by Instagram, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
Meta These cookies are set by Meta, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
Pinterest These cookies are set by Pinterest, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
Reddit These cookies are set by Reddit, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
Spotify These cookies are set by Spotify, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
TikTok These cookies are set by TikTok, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
Twitch These cookies are set by Twitch, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
Twitter These cookies are set by Twitter, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
Vimeo These cookies are set by Vimeo, and may be used for displaying embedded content.
YouTube These cookies are set by YouTube, and may be used for analytics, verifying legitimate traffic, or other embedded content.